Monday, April 28, 2014

Where the hell have you been?!

I have been a slacker.

It's been months since my last entry here at MUSE. That's horrible. I need to get regular, you know? I'll get better. Really.

But meantime...some updates.

ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE, my road trip memoir, has been accepted at Prairie Lights bookstore in Iowa City. I'm thrilled. This is a wonderful, historic bookshop in the middle of the campus city and blocks from the Iowa Writer's Workshop, the church of literary writing. I love it!
I'll also be at the Chicago Writer's Assocaition booth at the Printers Row Lit Fest this June in Chicago. Double love it.

I'm also waiting to hear from potential publishers on two manuscripts. I won't talk about that much here as not to jinx it, only to write that one is nonfction and the other is fiction. One is a collection of stories and essays about being a lifelong pet owner and the other is a book-length manuscript about a young rock-n-roll radio announcer who discovers a secret that changes his life, and then decides to confront his demons on the air in a special New Year's Eve broadcast.

But enough about me...

Questions for readers:

It seems people are either poetry people or not. Are you? And what is your favorite line from a poem? Why? And if you are NOT a poetry person...why?

I consider myself a quasi-poetry person. I love Billy Collins, and Keats, and Dylan Thomas.
My latest love? Collins' poem "Love." Gorgeous.

Until next time...
